Shounen Stories
The target audience of this genre is male. The content of these manga often involves fighting and/or violence (at a normal level, not excessive).
Genre of the story
  • Dragon Ball Super
    54 years ago
    Dragon Ball Super

    Status: OnGoing

    Views: 8,265

    Subscriber: 0

    Read "Dragon Ball Super" fastest and latest on Webtoon TV. Dragon Ball Super brings back the franchise's iconic characters, continuing the story after Goku's intense battle with Majin Buu. As the ser...
  • Murim RPG Simulation
    54 years ago
    Murim RPG Simulation

    Status: OnGoing

    Views: 1

    Subscriber: 0

    Read Manhwa "Murim RPG Simulation" latest chapter on Webtoon TV. A scout in the infamous Demon Cult, Seolhwi is on a routine patrol when his squad unexpectedly encounters a fearsome master of the Moun...
  • Reborn Rich
    54 years ago
    Reborn Rich

    Status: OnGoing

    Views: 0

    Subscriber: 0

    Read Manhwa "Reborn Rich" latest chapter on Webtoon TV. Having started from the bottom and worked his way to the top, Hyeonwoo finds himself betrayed by the royal family of Soonyang Group, the largest...